Friday, 6 May 2011

Nigeria Needs A Nigerian National Philosophy Commission(NNPC)

Nigeria needs a Nigerian National Philosophy commission(NNPC)

President Jonathan should as a matter of importance institute 'The Nigerian National Philosophy commission(NNPC), to develop a clear national ideology for the Nigerian nation, promote same beyond tribe, religion, region, ethnicity and gender, and do away with the 'Federal Character Commission'. We need to immediately start looking at Nigeria as a nation to survive. The absence of a clear feasible national philosophy for the
 Nigerian nation is a costly mistake of our founding fathers that needs to be corrected. No nation can attain national development without a clear nation philosophy, ideology, upon , which its developmental strives are anchored on. We need to correct this anomaly as the modern educated Nigerian citizens. Just as a good home has a master plan so a nation needs a clear national philosophy, ideology, to survive. I will like to see this achieved in Nigeria in my life time.
We, as a matter of importance, need to correct this mistake for the sake of our children, the unity of Nigeria as a prosperous, peaceful n, ation. Humans make a peaceful prosperous nation. It is time we did get it right in Nigeria as patriotic citizens. GEJ cannot do it alone for individuals are differently endowed by God.
Nigeria needs a clear feasible national philosophy to attain national development for no nation can without it. It is not about a commission,  or agency, some of our commissions and agencies are no longer relevant and need to be closed down. We need as a matter of importance the Nigerian National Philosophy Commission to correct the mistakes of the past:enshrining tribalism, regionalism and ethnicism into the fabrics of the Nigerian system. We must start looking at Nigeria as a nation to survive. You can ask a clear question for directions.You cannot feasibly fight corruption without a clear national ideology for it is this that will define the term ' corruption', the very basis for fighting it.

A national philosophy is the fundamental principle upon which the governance of a nation is based. You need to define this, introduce it to fight corrup, tion for it shall be the very basis of our national ethics, moral principle for fighting corruption. A nation that has no such moral compass cannot feasibly fight corruption. The main role of NNPC shall be to define all developmental indexes in Nigerian context, introduce them for the sake of development, and promote them.

According to Iya Umar, I think we need much more than that. what we need is for the government to make every Nigerian feel that he belongs and we are a family and inculcate a sense of Nationalism and Patriotism that will make every body work towards attaining a greater Nigeria than is greater than any individual, group or section, irrespective of where you come from. But the clearification is that, the National Philosophy of Nigeria, is that which will be the very basis for our identity, upon which our nationalism or patriotism will be defined. There is nothing like nationalism wi, thout a clear national philosophy. Remember, a national philosophy is the fundamental principle upon which the governance of a nation is based. We need to do things differently to survive in Nigeria. NCE

It is pretty difficult if not impossible to implement a national policy without a clear national philosophy, ideology, for a national philosophy is the basis for the implementation of a nation's policies.
Quoting Peter Emeka ,Which National ideology, Will it stop the issues of hate, religious bigotry and lack of trust. Will national ideology stop the continuous and unabated killing, rioting and destruction of properties that happens in the north .Will it bring , back the dead and those who will fall victims.
Remember that the masterminds of these evils are unrepentant. So what we need is a sovereign National Conference to define our existence as a Nation-State. Nigeria has never been a nation but a colonial British creation for their economic interest.
Take it or leave it: Nigeria needs a clear national philosophy to attain national development, for no nation can attain a national development without a clear national philosophy. The earlier we understand this, work for it, put it in place, promote it, our identity, the better for us. Our survival as a nation is therein.

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